Destination Information
Tap water
To start with, a few important bits of information:
Water is the most important resource on Tenerife. Due to the volcanic origin of the island and its porous and permeable soil, much of the rainwater ends up underground. However, thanks to the ingenuity and efforts of the islanders, it is possible to tap into these underground water resources. More than 80% of the water consumed in Tenerife comes from the total 1,700 kilometres of tunnels dug underground and the 500 wells currently in operation.
A water plan for the island has been in place since 1997, analysing consumption and looking at ways to increase water production. The area that consumes the most water is agriculture, followed by population. Some of the options being considered are desalination of seawater and treatment of wastewater for irrigation. For example, the first desalination plant was commissioned in 1998 in the south of the island.
Keep in mind that tap water is not drinking water.
- But you can buy drinking water in any supermarket. Showering and brushing your teeth, on the other hand, is not a problem, but we ask you to use the precious water sparingly.