Destination Information
Pyramids of Güimar
Investigations by the University of La Laguna have clarified beyond doubt that the pyramids could not have anything to do with the Guanches, as assumed by Thor Heyerdahl. Their origin is dated back to the beginning of the 19th century! Nevertheless, many doubts remain:
There is no way that they were heaps of stones piled up indiscriminately by farmers - no farmer would do this in such an accurate form, with angled corners, as well as such narrow terraces for cultivation. The pyramids are precisely aligned with the summer and winter solstices - no farmer would do this carelessly, just to get rid of stones. It is suspected that they could also be places of worship for the Freemasons ...
You see - not all the mysteries of the pyramids have been solved. Visit them and form your own opinion about their ominous history! We wish you a lot of fun and success in doing so‼.
A truly unexplored mystery awaits you in Güímar! There are still many inconsistencies surrounding the six pyramid-like terrace buildings.
The pyramids only became known - and fortunately also protected - in 1991 by the well-known explorer Thor Heyerdahl and the entrepreneur Fred Olsen.
Thor Heyerdahl spent his life studying the various migrations of peoples and tried to prove them with sometimes very daring self-experiments. He became world famous for his reconstruction of a raft (Kon-Tiki), with which he wanted to prove that it was indeed possible for the indigenous people of South America at that time to cross an ocean with reed boats. He saw a connection between the pyramids on Tenerife, which some sceptics called "cairns", and the monuments in Peru and Mexico, for example.
Unfortunately, he died much too early in 2002 to find any evidence for his ideas, of which he was convinced until the end of his life.